About Flori Flowers

I have loved digging in the dirt since I was about four or five. I used to collect big, sun-bleached clam shells at the Jersey Shore and gave people shell terrariums with moss, tiny plants and stones in them. I am sure they were highly prized. That is how my love of giving gifts of nature started really. My mom grew lilacs, peonies, roses and lots of marigolds around tomato plants on our farm in southern NJ. It was with my mother Claire that I learned to love “arranging” flowers – at the time it was picking whatever was in bloom and putting it a simple canning jar.

I grow seasonal, organic flowers and herbs and forage in the woods for greenery including native plants like fern and salal. I am influenced by what nature is doing at any given time in my garden and surroundings…sort of a slow flower philosophy. Recently I picked fading hellebore, French lilac, columbine, and fern all wrapped up in a hosta leaf inside of an upcycled glass jar and gave them to my friend Kelly. I love to walk around my garden, cut flowers, branches and herbs and see what happens from the color and texture.
In addition, I am a mom to two, a wife to one, and keeper of many animals including horses, goats, dog, cats and fish. The goats eat my peonies through the fence sometimes much to my dismay.